path: root/firmware/src
diff options
authorMarc Poulhiès <>2020-09-02 16:06:58 +0200
committerMarc Poulhiès <>2020-11-11 21:18:38 +0100
commit091566813df47450a6fca945339cd1e1ba90c915 (patch)
treea72489949e08ab67a9bd265ecdc3d6b24d43b1ff /firmware/src
parent5be1a9fbf95cbbc1300f24f77f049c93480b3854 (diff)
Initial work for Pouetpouet board
Based on keyseebee but now very different.
Diffstat (limited to 'firmware/src')
1 files changed, 152 insertions, 133 deletions
diff --git a/firmware/src/ b/firmware/src/
index 8534bce..5e4e063 100644
--- a/firmware/src/
+++ b/firmware/src/
@@ -4,14 +4,26 @@
// set the panic handler
use panic_halt as _;
+extern crate smart_leds;
+extern crate ws2812_spi;
+use smart_leds::{brightness, colors, SmartLedsWrite, RGB8};
+use ws2812_spi as ws2812;
use core::convert::Infallible;
use embedded_hal::digital::v2::{InputPin, OutputPin};
-use generic_array::typenum::{U4, U6};
-use hal::gpio::{gpioa, gpiob, Floating, Input, Output, PullUp, PushPull};
+use generic_array::typenum::{U12, U5};
+use hal::gpio::{gpioa, gpiob, Alternate, Input, Output, PullUp, PushPull, AF0};
use hal::prelude::*;
-use hal::serial;
+use embedded_hal::spi::FullDuplex;
use hal::usb;
-use hal::{stm32, timers};
+use hal::{
+ spi::{EightBit, Mode, Phase, Polarity, Spi},
+ stm32, timers,
use keyberon::action::{k, l, m, Action, Action::*};
use keyberon::debounce::Debouncer;
use keyberon::impl_heterogenous_array;
@@ -19,15 +31,28 @@ use keyberon::key_code::KbHidReport;
use keyberon::key_code::KeyCode::*;
use keyberon::layout::{Event, Layout};
use keyberon::matrix::{Matrix, PressedKeys};
-use nb::block;
use rtic::app;
use stm32f0xx_hal as hal;
use usb_device::bus::UsbBusAllocator;
use usb_device::class::UsbClass as _;
use usb_device::device::UsbDeviceState;
-type UsbClass = keyberon::Class<'static, usb::UsbBusType, ()>;
-type UsbDevice = keyberon::Device<'static, usb::UsbBusType>;
+type UsbClass = keyberon::Class<
+ 'static,
+ usb::UsbBusType,
+ Leds<
+ Spi<
+ stm32::SPI1,
+ gpioa::PA5<Alternate<AF0>>,
+ gpioa::PA6<Alternate<AF0>>,
+ gpioa::PA7<Alternate<AF0>>,
+ EightBit,
+ >,
+ >,
+type UsbDevice = usb_device::device::UsbDevice<'static, usb::UsbBusType>;
trait ResultExt<T> {
fn get(self) -> T;
@@ -42,18 +67,24 @@ impl<T> ResultExt<T> for Result<T, Infallible> {
pub struct Cols(
- gpioa::PA15<Input<PullUp>>,
- gpiob::PB3<Input<PullUp>>,
- gpiob::PB4<Input<PullUp>>,
- gpiob::PB5<Input<PullUp>>,
- gpiob::PB8<Input<PullUp>>,
- gpiob::PB9<Input<PullUp>>,
+ gpioa::PA0<Input<PullUp>>, // 12
+ gpioa::PA1<Input<PullUp>>, // 11
+ gpiob::PB13<Input<PullUp>>, // 10
+ gpiob::PB12<Input<PullUp>>, // 9
+ gpiob::PB14<Input<PullUp>>, // 8
+ gpiob::PB15<Input<PullUp>>, // 7
+ gpioa::PA15<Input<PullUp>>, // 6
+ gpiob::PB3<Input<PullUp>>, // 5
+ gpiob::PB4<Input<PullUp>>, // 4
+ gpiob::PB5<Input<PullUp>>, // 3
+ gpiob::PB8<Input<PullUp>>, // 2
+ gpiob::PB9<Input<PullUp>>, // 1
impl_heterogenous_array! {
dyn InputPin<Error = Infallible>,
- U6,
- [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
+ U12,
+ [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
pub struct Rows(
@@ -61,76 +92,85 @@ pub struct Rows(
+ gpiob::PB11<Output<PushPull>>,
impl_heterogenous_array! {
dyn OutputPin<Error = Infallible>,
- U4,
- [0, 1, 2, 3]
-const CUT: Action = m(&[LShift, Delete]);
-const COPY: Action = m(&[LCtrl, Insert]);
-const PASTE: Action = m(&[LShift, Insert]);
-const L2_ENTER: Action = HoldTap {
- timeout: 160,
- hold: &l(2),
- tap: &k(Enter),
-const L1_SP: Action = HoldTap {
- timeout: 160,
- hold: &l(1),
- tap: &k(Space),
-const CSPACE: Action = m(&[LCtrl, Space]);
-macro_rules! s {
- ($k:ident) => {
- m(&[LShift, $k])
- };
-macro_rules! a {
- ($k:ident) => {
- m(&[RAlt, $k])
- };
+ U5,
+ [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
pub static LAYERS: keyberon::layout::Layers = &[
- &[k(Tab), k(Q), k(W), k(E), k(R), k(T), k(Y), k(U), k(I), k(O), k(P), k(LBracket)],
- &[k(RBracket),k(A), k(S), k(D), k(F), k(G), k(H), k(J), k(K), k(L), k(SColon),k(Quote) ],
- &[k(Equal), k(Z), k(X), k(C), k(V), k(B), k(N), k(M), k(Comma),k(Dot), k(Slash), k(Bslash) ],
- &[Trans, Trans,k(LGui),k(LAlt),L1_SP,k(LCtrl),k(RShift),L2_ENTER,k(RAlt),k(BSpace),Trans, Trans ],
- ], &[
- &[Trans, k(Pause),Trans, k(PScreen),Trans, Trans,Trans, Trans, k(Delete),Trans, Trans, Trans ],
- &[Trans, Trans, k(NumLock),k(Insert), k(Escape),Trans,k(CapsLock),k(Left),k(Down), k(Up), k(Right),Trans ],
- &[k(NonUsBslash),k(Undo), CUT, COPY, PASTE, Trans,Trans, k(Home),k(PgDown),k(PgUp),k(End), Trans ],
- &[Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans,Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans ],
- ], &[
- &[s!(Grave),s!(Kb1),s!(Kb2),s!(Kb3),s!(Kb4),s!(Kb5),s!(Kb6),s!(Kb7),s!(Kb8),s!(Kb9),s!(Kb0),s!(Minus)],
- &[ k(Grave), k(Kb1), k(Kb2), k(Kb3), k(Kb4), k(Kb5), k(Kb6), k(Kb7), k(Kb8), k(Kb9), k(Kb0), k(Minus)],
- &[a!(Grave),a!(Kb1),a!(Kb2),a!(Kb3),a!(Kb4),a!(Kb5),a!(Kb6),a!(Kb7),a!(Kb8),a!(Kb9),a!(Kb0),a!(Minus)],
- &[Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans, CSPACE, Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans ],
+ &[k(Grave), k(Kb1),k(Kb2),k(Kb3), k(Kb4),k(Kb5), k(Kb6), k(Kb7), k(Kb8), k(Kb9), k(Kb0), k(Minus), k(Space)],
+ &[k(Q), k(W), k(E), k(R), k(T), k(Tab), k(Y), k(U), k(I), k(O), k(P), k(LBracket)],
+ &[k(A), k(S), k(D), k(F), k(G), k(BSpace), k(H), k(J), k(K), k(L), k(SColon), k(Quote)],
+ &[k(Z), k(X), k(C), k(V), k(B), k(Enter), k(N), k(M), k(Comma), k(Dot), k(Slash), k(Bslash) ],
+ &[k(LCtrl), k(LShift), k(LGui), l(1), k(LAlt), k(Space), k(Delete), k(RAlt), k(Equal), k(RBracket),k(RShift), k(RCtrl)],
], &[
- &[Trans,Trans,Trans,Trans,Trans,Trans,Trans,Trans,Trans,Trans, Trans, Trans ],
- &[Trans,Trans,Trans,Trans,Trans,Trans,Trans,Trans,Trans,Trans, Trans, Trans ],
- &[Trans,Trans,Trans,Trans,Trans,Trans,Trans,Trans,Trans,Trans, Trans, Trans ],
+ &[k(SysReq), k(NumLock), Trans, Trans, Trans, k(Escape), k(Insert), k(PgUp), k(PgDown), Trans, Trans, Trans ],
+ &[Trans , Trans , Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans, k(Home), k(Up), k(End), Trans, Trans, Trans ],
+ &[Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans, k(Left), k(Down), k(Right), Trans, Trans, Trans ],
+ &[Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans ],
+pub struct Leds<SPI> {
+ ws: ws2812::Ws2812<SPI>,
+ leds: [RGB8; 10],
+impl<SPI, E> keyberon::keyboard::Leds for Leds<SPI>
+ SPI: FullDuplex<u8, Error = E>,
+ fn caps_lock(&mut self, status: bool) {
+ if status {
+ self.leds[0] = colors::BLUE;
+ } else {
+ self.leds[0] = colors::BLACK;
+ }
+ .write(brightness(self.leds.iter().cloned(), 10));
+ }
+ fn num_lock(&mut self, status: bool) {
+ if status {
+ self.leds[1] = colors::GREEN;
+ } else {
+ self.leds[1] = colors::BLACK;
+ }
+ .write(brightness(self.leds.iter().cloned(), 10));
+ }
+ fn compose(&mut self, status: bool) {
+ if status {
+ self.leds[3] = colors::VIOLET;
+ } else {
+ self.leds[3] = colors::BLACK;
+ }
+ .write(brightness(self.leds.iter().cloned(), 10));
+ }
#[app(device = crate::hal::pac, peripherals = true)]
const APP: () = {
struct Resources {
usb_dev: UsbDevice,
usb_class: UsbClass,
matrix: Matrix<Cols, Rows>,
- debouncer: Debouncer<PressedKeys<U4, U6>>,
+ debouncer: Debouncer<PressedKeys<U5, U12>>,
layout: Layout,
timer: timers::Timer<stm32::TIM3>,
- transpose: fn(Event) -> Event,
- tx: serial::Tx<hal::pac::USART1>,
- rx: serial::Rx<hal::pac::USART1>,
@@ -158,32 +198,61 @@ const APP: () = {
*USB_BUS = Some(usb::UsbBusType::new(usb));
let usb_bus = USB_BUS.as_ref().unwrap();
- let usb_class = keyberon::new_class(usb_bus, ());
- let usb_dev = keyberon::new_device(usb_bus);
+ // Handling of ws2812 leds
- let mut timer = timers::Timer::tim3(c.device.TIM3, 1.khz(), &mut rcc);
- timer.listen(timers::Event::TimeOut);
+ let pa5 = gpioa.pa5; // sck
+ let pa6 = gpioa.pa6; // miso
+ let pa7 = gpioa.pa7; // mosi
- let pb12: &gpiob::PB12<Input<Floating>> = &gpiob.pb12;
- let is_left = pb12.is_low().get();
- let transpose = if is_left {
- transpose_left
- } else {
- transpose_right
+ // Configure pins for SPI
+ let (sck, miso, mosi) = cortex_m::interrupt::free(move |cs| {
+ (
+ pa5.into_alternate_af0(cs),
+ pa6.into_alternate_af0(cs),
+ pa7.into_alternate_af0(cs),
+ )
+ });
+ const MODE: Mode = Mode {
+ polarity: Polarity::IdleHigh,
+ phase: Phase::CaptureOnSecondTransition,
+ let spi = Spi::spi1(
+ c.device.SPI1,
+ (sck, miso, mosi),
+ 3_000_000.hz(),
+ &mut rcc,
+ );
- let (pa9, pa10) = (gpioa.pa9, gpioa.pa10);
- let pins = cortex_m::interrupt::free(move |cs| {
- (pa9.into_alternate_af1(cs), pa10.into_alternate_af1(cs))
- });
- let mut serial = serial::Serial::usart1(c.device.USART1, pins, 38_400.bps(), &mut rcc);
- serial.listen(serial::Event::Rxne);
- let (tx, rx) = serial.split();
+ // ws2812
+ let mut ws = ws2812::Ws2812::new(spi);
+ let mut leds = Leds {
+ ws,
+ leds: [colors::BLACK; 10],
+ };
+ let usb_class = keyberon::new_class(usb_bus, leds);
+ let usb_dev = keyberon::new_device(usb_bus);
+ let mut timer = timers::Timer::tim3(c.device.TIM3, 1.khz(), &mut rcc);
+ timer.listen(timers::Event::TimeOut);
let pa15 = gpioa.pa15;
+ let pa1 = gpioa.pa1;
+ let pa0 = gpioa.pa0;
let matrix = cortex_m::interrupt::free(move |cs| {
+ pa0.into_pull_up_input(cs),
+ pa1.into_pull_up_input(cs),
+ gpiob.pb13.into_pull_up_input(cs),
+ gpiob.pb12.into_pull_up_input(cs),
+ gpiob.pb14.into_pull_up_input(cs),
+ gpiob.pb15.into_pull_up_input(cs),
@@ -196,6 +265,7 @@ const APP: () = {
+ gpiob.pb11.into_push_pull_output(cs),
@@ -207,25 +277,6 @@ const APP: () = {
debouncer: Debouncer::new(PressedKeys::default(), PressedKeys::default(), 5),
matrix: matrix.get(),
layout: Layout::new(LAYERS),
- transpose,
- tx,
- rx,
- }
- }
- #[task(binds = USART1, priority = 5, spawn = [handle_event], resources = [rx])]
- fn rx(c: rx::Context) {
- static mut BUF: [u8; 4] = [0; 4];
- if let Ok(b) = {
- BUF.rotate_left(1);
- BUF[3] = b;
- if BUF[3] == b'\n' {
- if let Ok(event) = de(&BUF[..]) {
- c.spawn.handle_event(Some(event)).unwrap();
- }
- }
@@ -259,20 +310,12 @@ const APP: () = {
binds = TIM3,
priority = 2,
spawn = [handle_event],
- resources = [matrix, debouncer, timer, &transpose, tx],
+ resources = [matrix, debouncer, timer],
fn tick(c: tick::Context) {
- for event in c
- .resources
- .debouncer
- .events(c.resources.matrix.get().get())
- .map(c.resources.transpose)
- {
- for &b in &ser(event) {
- block!(c.resources.tx.write(b)).get();
- }
+ for event in {
@@ -282,27 +325,3 @@ const APP: () = {
fn CEC_CAN();
-fn transpose_left(e: Event) -> Event {
- e
-fn transpose_right(e: Event) -> Event {
- match e {
- Event::Press(i, j) => Event::Press(i, 11 - j),
- Event::Release(i, j) => Event::Release(i, 11 - j),
- }
-fn de(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<Event, ()> {
- match *bytes {
- [b'P', i, j, b'\n'] => Ok(Event::Press(i as usize, j as usize)),
- [b'R', i, j, b'\n'] => Ok(Event::Release(i as usize, j as usize)),
- _ => Err(()),
- }
-fn ser(e: Event) -> [u8; 4] {
- match e {
- Event::Press(i, j) => [b'P', i as u8, j as u8, b'\n'],
- Event::Release(i, j) => [b'R', i as u8, j as u8, b'\n'],
- }