path: root/firmware
diff options
authorMarc Poulhiès <>2022-07-22 21:00:39 +0200
committerMarc Poulhiès <>2022-07-22 21:06:23 +0200
commit18ee7488fc13299c83eda26a6addb5cd57cab60f (patch)
tree7365f83794de71530ab90369cdaa2a3fa1f8dd13 /firmware
parentc9094c7d7b49e21bc53d273288463723beec6601 (diff)
Initial support for Layers
Click now support Layers, so port some more layout from the existing rust firmware.
Diffstat (limited to 'firmware')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/firmware/ada/src/pouetpouet.adb b/firmware/ada/src/pouetpouet.adb
index a201bc6..78f04ed 100644
--- a/firmware/ada/src/pouetpouet.adb
+++ b/firmware/ada/src/pouetpouet.adb
@@ -31,16 +31,26 @@ procedure Pouetpouet is
:= [PA0, PA1, PB13, PB12, PB14, PB15, PA15, PB3, PB4, PB5, PB8, PB9];
package TestClick is new Click (5 ,ColR, RowR, GPIO_Point,
- Ct, Rt, Cols, Rows);
+ Ct, Rt, Cols, Rows, 2);
use TestClick;
- BepoLayout : constant Layout :=
+ Bepo_Layout : constant Layout :=
- [Kb1, Kb2, Kb3, Kb4, Kb5, Grave, Kb6, Kb7, Kb8, Kb9, Kb0, Minus],
- [Q, W, E, R, T, Tab, Y, U, I, O, P, LBracket],
- [A, S, D, F, G, BSpace, H, J, K, L, SColon, Quote],
- [Z, X, C, V, B, Enter, N, M, Comma, Dot, Slash, Bslash ],
- [LCtrl, X, LGui, LShift, LAlt, Space, RAlt, RBracket, Equal, Delete, RShift, RCtrl]
+ [
+ [Kw (Kb1), Kw (Kb2), Kw (Kb3), Kw (Kb4), Kw (Kb5), Kw (Grave), Kw (Kb6), Kw (Kb7), Kw (Kb8), Kw (Kb9), Kw (Kb0), Kw (Minus)],
+ [Kw (Q), Kw (W), Kw (E), Kw (R), Kw (T), Kw (Tab), Kw (Y), Kw (U), Kw (I), Kw (O), Kw (P), Kw (Lbracket)],
+ [Kw (A), Kw (S), Kw (D), Kw (F), Kw (G), Kw (Bspace), Kw (H), Kw (J), Kw (K), Kw (L), Kw (Scolon), Kw (Quote)],
+ [Kw (Z), Kw (X), Kw (C), Kw (V), Kw (B), Kw (Enter), Kw (N), Kw (M), Kw (Comma), Kw (Dot), Kw (Slash), Kw (Bslash) ],
+ [Kw (Lctrl), Lw (1), Kw (Lgui), Kw (Lshift), Kw (Lalt), Kw (Space), Kw (Ralt), Kw (Rbracket), Kw (Equal), Kw (Delete), Kw (Rshift), Kw (Rctrl)]
+ ],
+ [
+ [Kw (F1), Kw (F2), Kw (F3), Kw (F4), Kw (F5), Kw (F6), Kw (F7), Kw (F8), Kw (F9), Kw (F10), Kw (F11), Kw (F12)],
+ [Kw (Sysreq), Kw (Numlock), Kw (T), Kw (T), Kw (T), Kw (Escape), Kw (Insert), Kw (Pgup), Kw (Pgdown), Kw (Volup), Kw (Voldown), Kw (Mute)],
+ [Kw (T), Kw (T), Kw (T), Kw (T), Kw (T), Kw (T), Kw (Home), Kw (Up), Kw (Endd), Kw (T), Kw (T), Kw (T)],
+ [Kw (Nonusbslash), Kw (T), Kw (T), Kw (T), Kw (T), Kw (T), Kw (Left), Kw (Down), Kw (Right), Kw (T), Kw (T), Kw (Pgup)],
+ [Kw (T), Kw (T), Kw (T), Kw (T), Kw (T), Kw (T), Kw (T), Kw (T), Kw (T), Kw (T), Kw (T), Kw (Pgdown)]
+ ]
Max_Packet_Size : constant := 64;
@@ -104,20 +114,25 @@ begin
Evts : constant Events := Get_Events (Get_Matrix);
- for Evt of Evts loop
- Log ("(" & Evt.Evt'Image & ", " & Evt.Col'Image & ", "
- & Evt.Row'Image & ") = "
- & KeyCode'Enum_Rep (BepoLayout (Evt.Row, Evt.Col))'Image);
+ -- FIXME: dot notation possible in GCC12
+ Register_Events (Bepo_Layout, Evts);
+ Tick (Bepo_Layout);
+ for KC of Key_Codes (Bepo_Layout) loop
+ -- Log ("(" & Evt.Evt'Image & ", " & Evt.Col'Image & ", "
+ -- & Evt.Row'Image & ") = "
+ -- & Key_Code_T'Enum_Rep (Bepo_Layout (Evt.Row, Evt.Col).C)'Image);
if HID_Class.Ready then
- if Evt.Evt = Press then
- HID_Class.Push_Key_Code
- (KeyCode'Enum_Rep (BepoLayout (Evt.Row, Evt.Col)));
- end if;
+ -- if Evt.Evt = Press then
+ -- HID_Class.Push_Key_Code
+ -- (Key_Code_T'Enum_Rep (Bepo_Layout (Evt.Row, Evt.Col).C));
+ HID_Class.Push_Key_Code (Key_Code_T'Enum_Rep (KC));
- HID_Class.Send_Report (UDC);
+ -- end if;
end if;
end loop;
+ HID_Class.Send_Report (UDC);
-- Delay_Cycles (72);
end loop;