// Based on keyseebee plate.scad // https://github.com/TeXitoi/keyseebee/tree/master/cad // Modified for https://github.com/dkm/pouetpouet-board switch_hole=14.0;// by spec should be 14, can be adjusted for printer imprecision thickness=1.6;// plate thickness, for 3D rendering linear_extrude(thickness) // uncomment for 3D model plate(); inter_switch=19.00; d=2.54; module key_placement_without_extreme() { for (i=[0:11]) for (j=[0:4]) translate([(i-1)*inter_switch, -(j-1)*inter_switch]) children(); } module key_placement() { key_placement_without_extreme() children(); } module outline() { hull() key_placement_without_extreme() square(inter_switch, center=true); } module plate() { difference() { outline(); key_placement() square([switch_hole, switch_hole], center=true); } }